lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

Corporate Database 2017



This is Scott, Would you be interested in acquiring a mailing list for your company marketing use?

We are a B2B database company & offer B2B email lists based on your requirements.


Our database comes with Contact Name, Job Title, Company Name, Physical Address, Phone No., Fax No., Email Address, Website and More. 


Industrial Sectors: 

Information Technology | Logistics | Oil & Gas | Automotive | Energy | Transportation | Construction | Pharmaceuticals | Veterinary | Travel & Tourism |Telecommunications | Retail | Banking | Manufacturing |Health Care | Interior Designers | Facility Management | Education & E-Learning | Architects | Food & Beverages | Real Estate| HR | Hospitality | Aviation and more…

If you could send me your target audience, I would be glad to get back with the right information & counts for your review. 


Please respond with the below information and I’d be happy to send over few sample data and set up a time to discuss in detail.


Industry: ?

Title: ?

Geography: ?


Let me know your interest, so that we could discuss further.


Scott Williams,

Marketing Specialist | Worldwide

Manage Data

#621 High Lane, Pittsburgh, PA 15201, USA

Phone: +1 302 251 8124



Note: You were specifically sent this email based upon your company profile. If for some reason this was sent in error or you wish not to receive any further messages from us please reply with subject line as "Exclude" or click here to UNSUBSCRIBE to exclude from all future mailings.


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